We are looking for writers!!

I am looking for writers to help me post album news, MV releases and lyrics for CPOP and KPOP. It is hard for me doing this all alone which you may have noticed i haven't posted any KPOP related news recently. So i am wanting to bring CKPOP! back again to the way it was but doing this by myself is difficult.

If you are willing to help me please email me @ ckpop.news@gmail.com by writing a simple message saying you want to join with your name and i'll give further details (experience is not required but preferred). :)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

JPM's "平凡的美麗" MV release!

JPM releases their 4th MV, "平凡的美麗", from their debut album, "月球漫步"!

This MV includes scenes from fan meets and JPM! Check it out below:

Source: aben6981@youtube.com
Written by: Administrator@Ckpop.blogspot.com

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