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Monday, October 24, 2011

Preview of ELVA's upcoming album

ELVA Hsiao’s new album is scheduled to be released by the end of November or beginning of December, but there have been rumors circulating on the web regarding the tracks on her album. According to these rumors, ELVA is the album producer and it will contain songs by Khalil Fongand JJ Lin, as well as some written by herself. Various web sources also listed the following tracks: “愛不離手” (roughly translates to Irresistible Love) composed by Xiao An with lyrics by Chen Tien-Yu, and “愛情的微光” (roughly Shimmers of Love) composed by Chen Wei with lyrics by Mathew Yen.

Regarding these rumors, ELVA’s management company expressed, “The album is still in production, (so) we cannot disclose any details.” However, from what has been gathered, there is still no song from Khalil on the album. On the other hand, JJ has reportedly composed “愛情光年” (Lightyear of Love, tentative name) for ELVA after she had asked him for the favor when she appeared as his concert’s special guest.

Check out the tracks below-

"愛不離手" (Irresistible Love)

"愛情的微光" (Shimmers of Love)

Written by: fufu on 10/21/2011 @ CpopAccess.com
Source: UDN, DracoRadio's and wilsonlam723's channel

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