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I am looking for writers to help me post album news, MV releases and lyrics for CPOP and KPOP. It is hard for me doing this all alone which you may have noticed i haven't posted any KPOP related news recently. So i am wanting to bring CKPOP! back again to the way it was but doing this by myself is difficult.

If you are willing to help me please email me @ ckpop.news@gmail.com by writing a simple message saying you want to join with your name and i'll give further details (experience is not required but preferred). :)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

25 staff members accompany JJ Lin to Europe for MV shoot

After signing with Warner Music, JJ Lin’s highly anticipated new album will be released in December. Warner Music is also ensuring that JJ is getting top of the line treatment at the company; they’re spending 8 million TWD to film his MV with over 25 staff members accompanying him to Switzerland and Czech Republic. Both his album cover and MV will be shot there. JJ reveals that he got many inspirations for writing the new songs when he traveled to Europe a while ago, which is also why Warner decided to film the MV and do the album photo shoot there. (photo: JJ poses with his and his staff members' luggage)

With 25 staff members, plane tickets cost over 2 million TWD and hotel expenses add up to over 1.3 million TWD. The company exclaims, “It is burning a lot of money,” but for the sake JJ, they can only endure the pain.

The company reportedly got advice from a fortune-teller to pick a good date for JJ’s album release. Thus, it was decided to be during December. JJ will make it just in time to apply for next year’s Golden Melody Awards.

Although there is no set release date for the album yet, JJ's "I Am" world tour DVD is now available for preorder at YesAsia!

Written by: fufu on 11/07/2011 @ CpopAccess.com
Source: UDN

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