We are looking for writers!!

I am looking for writers to help me post album news, MV releases and lyrics for CPOP and KPOP. It is hard for me doing this all alone which you may have noticed i haven't posted any KPOP related news recently. So i am wanting to bring CKPOP! back again to the way it was but doing this by myself is difficult.

If you are willing to help me please email me @ ckpop.news@gmail.com by writing a simple message saying you want to join with your name and i'll give further details (experience is not required but preferred). :)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Jiro will replace Chun's role in Absolute Darling

When Goo Hye Sun first agreed to film "Absolute Darling", the leading actor was Wu Chun, now the role has been replaced by Jiro Wang, she politely replied: "Chun is very quiet, gentle, while Jiro is very outgoing, the two are completely different." Since Absolute Darling's leading male is a robot, there will be a great number of nude scenes, the media wanted Goo Hye Sun to compare the bodies between Chun and Jiro, she laughingly said: "Because I have seen neither, I cannot make a comparison."

Chun withdrawn from the role in "Absolute Darling", Jiro came to the rescue and was being accused as the "second choice" once again. Turning around the question, once he heard the name "Wu Chun", being pushed to the limit, he finally said: "He haven't even started filming yet." refusing to be compared with Chun. He also stated 3 times "We're in good terms, not afraid to have people writing nonsense", refuting the rumor of conflict between the two.

Source: UDN
Translated by: FahrenheitGloba1

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