We are looking for writers!!

I am looking for writers to help me post album news, MV releases and lyrics for CPOP and KPOP. It is hard for me doing this all alone which you may have noticed i haven't posted any KPOP related news recently. So i am wanting to bring CKPOP! back again to the way it was but doing this by myself is difficult.

If you are willing to help me please email me @ ckpop.news@gmail.com by writing a simple message saying you want to join with your name and i'll give further details (experience is not required but preferred). :)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Jay Chou to perform at Jolin Tsai's concert?

Asian superstar Jay Chou and Taiwanese pop princess Jolin Tsai have always been the media's focus. Their collaborations are also the most talked about topic in the entertainment industry.
Their first collaboration happened in 2004 at Jolin's concert, where Jay appeared as her guest. After the couple broke up, their second performance together was at Jay's 10-year celebration concert last year, where they had fans screaming for more.
Now, rumour has it that Double J will collaborate once more at Jolin's Shanghai and Beijing concert, which will be held on May 21 and May 28 respectively.
Although Jolin recently said that "there is currently no segment planned for guest performers", a source revealed that the organising company for Jolin's concert had approached Jay six months ago.
However, as Jay would be busy filming his upcoming movie Reversal War, he would have to rush to the concert venue to make that guest appearance.

Commenting on the rumour, the manager of the concert organizing company said, "It would be great to have them collaborating once more."
"The organiser made a suggestion, which we really liked. We are still discussing with JVR (Jay Chou's record company)," a rep from Jolin's record company said.
JVR responded, "(We) have received the invitation However, Jay's currently scheduled to finish the movie. It should be fine if the timing is okay. We're discussing with the movie production company."
Source: Xinmsn Entertainment

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